CTE Eventi

Call for Abstract


Capacity assessment of corroded reinforced concrete structures: from research to daily engineering evaluation


Abstract submission

The CACRCS DAYS welcome all contributions related to the behaviour of reinforced concrete, fibre reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures damaged by corrosion, with both numerical and experimental approaches, and including some recommendations for the daily engineering evaluation of corroded structures.

How to submit Abstract

Authors willing to present their work at the CACRCS DAYS 2023 are invited to kindly submit an abstract in accordance with the sessions of the workshop. The abstract should not exceed 750 characters and should include some relevant progress with regard to the present state-of the-art. 

Extended abstracts (4 pages long) will be reviewed and will be included in the Proceedings of the Workshop if they will be accepted.

The Authors of selected extended abstracts will be invited to submit a full manuscript to a Special Issue of Structural Concrete. The submission of full manuscripts will undergo the usual peer-review process of Structural Concrete. 

In order to promote and facilitate the transfer of knowledge from Research to Daily Engineering Evaluation, the template for extended abstracts contains a paragraph dedicated to a description of the use of the presented results in engineering applications. The template for abstracts and extended abstracts is available on the CACRCS website